We first discovered Carolyn Malachi back in 2010 when she issued the cool disc, Lions, Tigers & Squares, and we've been waiting every since for more. Well, we're pleased to say the wait is over. Carolyn has a new album called Gold and a new song and video that shows what she's got going - and it's all good. Here's what Carolyn has to say about it:
ALL RIGHT" was inspired by my grandparents. Their unconditional love is the stuff of legends. Also, this strong a nod to strong women who make everything "ALL RIGHT," each day, in spite of the odds. Life is a balancing act, and love is a strategic partnership. Both require balance to thrive. "ALL RIGHT" restores balance to both forces." - Carolyn Malachi
We couldn't have said it better. Check out "All Right" below! This track is free at Amazon.co.uk (soutracks)
Our good friend Bill Randle has announced that he has made an interview with Curtis Mayfield's Son, Curtis III at Mickey Nold's Studio 37, here in Birmingham and will be running it soon on his Blog site: www.thescienceofscoul.com more information for you when it is ready to be published, but it is sure to be interesting to here the Curtis story from the inside as it was. Curtis has an album out at CDBaby.com
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Catch Mr Merry & Friends on 25th August at the above venue - click to enlarge
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